Monday, June 29, 2015

Wasatch Plein Air Paradise 2015 Part Deux

11" x 14" Oil on Panel
It's day four of Midway's plein air competition. Pictured above is my third painting, made today. The weather for the competition has been hot, but Heber Valley - where the town of Midway is - isn't as hot as Utah valley, down at the other end of Provo Canyon. Temperatures there have been 100° or higher for the past few days. Mornings and early afternoons along the Wasatch Back have been partly cloudy with lots of sunshine. Thunderstorms boil up during the day and by late afternoon the sky becomes mostly cloudy. No rain yet, though. Not bad painting weather, really.

11" x 14" Oil on Panel
The second painting shown here is also my second plein air for the competition, painted Saturday. It looks like it was painted somewhere in Southern Utah, but I found this redrock formation a few miles east of Heber City.

Paintings are due framed and ready to hang tomorrow afternoon. I'll try for one more painting tomorrow, then decide which three to put into the show. Show opens tomorrow evening. For more information you can go here.


  1. Another great painting James, I really like how you used the red barn as a focal point in the distance through the trees. I have backed out, you won't see me at the BBQ. I won't say I chickened out, it's just I've been busy the last few days with much time spent outside and am worn out, I needed a break. It was all just too much to try to pack into one week.

  2. Bummer. Maybe we'll see you at the show.
