Monday, July 6, 2015

WPAP 2015 - Third and Final Instalment

9" x 12" Oil on Panel
It's over. Saturday was the last day for the Wasatch Plein Air Paradise show in Midway, Utah. I'm so glad I was there, in spite of all the hot weather. The show was great, Heber Valley is a wonderful place to paint, and it was fun reconnecting with so many other painters. It's fun to meet so many collectors, also. Saturday afternoon I walked into the exhibit just as one art buyer was walking out with the very first painting I made for the show

Two more paintings were finished since my last post. Pictured above is the one I made last Tuesday, finished and framed a little before the main competition's deadline that afternoon. Wednesday and Thursday I played hooky. There were other things that needed done, plus a two day rest from all the heat and sun was much needed. I kind of wish I had been there for the Heber City paint out on Thursday, though.

Maybe I should explain a little about what a paint out is. For the main competition, painters are allowed to paint anywhere in the county over the period of a few days. Paint outs are one day affairs, or even just half a day, and painters must work within a limited area in the town hosting the event.

Friday was the Midway paint out, and I made sure I was there. I set up to paint between the post office parking lot and a grassy field. Several people stopped to visit with me as I painted. One couple who visited came back later and said they had talked to the organizers of the show and told them they would buy my painting! Below is a photo of that painting. The photo isn't very good, but I hope it's good enough. There wasn't a lot of time to photograph the painting between it's completion and when it left the exhibit in the hands of its new owner.

11" x 14" Oil on Panel


  1. Great paintings James, congrats on the sales. I never made it to the exhibit, there were just too many things going on that week.
