Friday, June 26, 2015

Wasatch Plein Air Paradise 2015 is ON!

12" x 16" Oil on Panel
Today is the first day of the WPAP outdoor painting competition. This morning I drove to Midway, Utah, paid the entry fees, got my painting panels stamped, and went painting. It's not a good photograph, but the picture above shows my efforts for the day. Painters have until 2:00 PM Tuesday to turn in up to three paintings in the main competition. I plan to paint again tomorrow, Monday and Tuesday. I don't know if I'll be in any of the "quick paint" competitions next week. That will depend on my schedule.

The show opens Tuesday evening June 30th and runs through Saturday, July 4th. All the paintings in the show will be for sale. For more information about the show you can check out Midway Art Association's website here.

Or here:


  1. Great painting James! I'll actually be participating this year myself, however I won't be starting until Monday morning since I'm in a workshop with Shanna Kunz Friday and Saturday. See ya at the BBQ, assuming I don't chicken out. lol

  2. Thanks! Don't chicken out! See ya at the BBQ.
