Thursday, June 23, 2016

Solstice Week

11" x 14" Oil on Panel
Monday was the Summer Solstice. Afternoon temperature hit 100°F. I went out painting that day, but that day's blog post was about a painting I'd done a few days earlier. What was painted Monday is pictured above. Two trees on the Summer Solstice. Those two big ol' cottonwoods get painted a lot, not just by me but by a number of other painters. I'm sure to go back sometime and paint one, or both again.

11" x 14" Oil on Panel
While I painted Monday, a rancher mowed hay in a couple adjoining fields. I'd been waiting for those fields to be cut, so the next day I returned and painted one of the mowed hay fields. First cut hay. The day was hot, but not like the day before. The painting from that day is the second image in this post.

Upcoming: Next week is the annual Midway plein air competition. I'm planning on being there. Are you?

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