Thursday, September 4, 2014

Plein Air Spring City 2014, Part Two.

8" x 10" Oil on Panel
This is part two of my post about this year's 2014 Spring City plein air event. You can read about part one here

After painting Wednesday and Thursday, I didn't manage to paint Friday. Instead, I entered the paintings I'd already done, then scouted around for other good painting locations. That evening was the artist's reception and awards presentation, where I found out both of my paintings had won merit awards. Saturday's "quick paint" event was a little challenging for me. First, I slept in a little late and had to drive as quickly as I could over wash boarded roads from my camp in the mountains to register for the event. Second, I still wasn't sure where I was going to paint. Third, the sky had a flat bright overcast - my least favorite light to paint in.

One solution I've recently discovered to the problem of painting on rainy or overcast days is to paint with a view through trees. After driving around a few blocks I came to the scene shown in the painting pictured above. Already having lost time because of sleeping in late and not knowing before hand where to paint, I set up and got to work. When time for the "quick paint" event was almost up, I framed the painting, threw everything into the car without cleaning up, and got the painting back to the show.

The paintings in the"quick paint" show were auctioned off around noon. I sat in the back with other painters to watch the show. It was interesting to see the auctioneer work the crowd, and watch the bidding for my painting.

The painting I made on Wednesday for the main show also sold. 

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