Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Wasatch Plein Air Paradise 2014

This is where it's happening!
Midway's plein air competition is underway. Tonight was the opening for the show. Painting for the main competition opened last Friday. I managed to finish four paintings by Monday night and get three of them (three is the maximum number allowed for the main competition) entered by the 2:00 PM deadline this afternoon. 

11" x 14" Oil on Panel
Friday the weather was unsettled and I was rained on a couple times. The painting shown above was made at the Soldier Hollow train station that day. I like the painting, but I decided to put the other three paintings into the show instead because those three paintings go with each other the best.

The rain wasn't the only challenge that day. I had to take a break from painting when a train pulled into the station and blocked my view. I was, however, entertained as an old west style train robbery was staged at the station for the entertainment of tourists riding the train. The train didn't stay very long, and I was able to get back to painting in good time.

11" x 14" Oil on Panel
Saturday the weather was great, and I went to the North Fields to do the second painting shown in this post.

Heber Valley is one of my favorite places to paint. Not only is it a very scenic place with endless opportunities for plein air painters, but there are lots of opportunities to view wildlife, too. I was able to get photos of a couple of the local wild residents:


Mule Deer
Monday was a perfectly cloudless day. I was able to get a couple more paintings finished that day:

11" x 14" Oil on Panel

9" x 12" Oil on Panel
The show continues through early Saturday, but if you want to see the paintings you should visit sooner rather than later. Paintings begin to disappear as the show gets older and more and more buyers walk out the exhibition's doors with their new acquisitions. 

There are a few more smaller events in conjunction with the main show - paint outs and a "quick paint" - throughout the week. For more information you can go here.

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