Thursday, July 10, 2014

A Charcoal Sketch and a Video

14" x 11" Charcoal on Tinted Paper
It's about time for another portrait sketch blog post, I think. This sketch is the beginning of a larger project I have planned. It's a project that'll involve more people and things than I've worked with before, and I'm excited to finally get it started. I'll write more about that project once I get a better handle on it and it begins to take shape. In the mean time, I thought you might enjoy seeing this sketch.

The sketch is of film producer and actor Paul D. Hunt, of Mainstay Productions. He was kind enough to sit in as one of the models for my project. Here's a sample of one of the many films he's worked on or been in, "Finnick and Annie":

For those whose operating systems won't open the video, you can try this link:

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