Tuesday, July 30, 2013

103 Degrees

6" x 8" Oil on Panel.
A week and a half ago the weather was fairly hot - 103°F in fact. And my car was in need of repairs. The day, however, had skies generally free of clouds or smoke so in spite of the challenges I went painting. The car was being disagreeable, but I also have a bicycle, and there's a lot to paint within a short distance of home. With a 6" x 8" pochade box, and other painting gear in a couple leather bags, a small tripod, and a day pack with extra water and some "Clif" bars (apricot and carrot cake - yum) I biked out west of town. There I found a shady spot along a bike path that follows the river and made the painting shown above. Here's a photo of my setup that day:

The car's been fixed since then but that day, hot and car-less, I still had a good day!


  1. Nice painting James, in spite of the weather and transportational challenges. Is this the part of the river just before Utah Lake State Park?

  2. Thanks, David! Yes, it's a little West of Lakeshore Drive, looking toward the Lake.
