Sunday, March 25, 2012

Pucker Up!

12" x 9" Pastel on Coated Paper
The Sketch shown above is from a few weeks ago at one of the weekly drawing sessions. What was she doing? Was she blowing the artist a kiss? It wouldn't be hard to dispel that notion! Was she trying to get some caramel candy unstuck from a filling? Ew! No. Perhaps her mother's warning that "Keep making those faces and your face will freeze like that" actually came true? Didn't seem so. Well, what was it then? 

This woman is our "Andrew Loomis" style model. She likes to collect retro clothing and props and uses them when she models for us. This evening she was dressed in a strapless dress, black with white polka-dots. In her right hand she held a compact where she could see the mirror. In her left hand she held a tube of lipstick of the same killer red she had on her lips. Her pose was of a 40's or 50's era doll who was checking the lipstick she had just applied. 

We were concerned with her trying to hold that pose and expression, twenty minutes at a time for two and a half hours. Wouldn't it become painful after a while? She insisted though and wouldn't be talked out of it. Although her eyes went funny a couple of times she successfully held that pose for the entire session, seemingly without any unpleasant consequences. It was good to draw something other than a usual model's expression, and this sketch was a blast to do!

For more about drawing sessions, go to "Labels" on the side bar and click on "sketching" or "drawing."

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