Sunday, March 18, 2012

Mountainside Cliffrose

Mountainside Cliffrose, 8" x 10" Oil on Panel
A little over a week ago the weather was warm and pleasant, at least for March, so I headed out to paint. This time of year can seem rather colorless with all those grays and browns outdoors, but there is beauty to be appreciated in all seasons. I love being outdoors in any season. On this particular day I wanted to paint something wild and green, so I headed to the mountains looking for something evergreen. At the east edge of town I hiked up the mountainside toward some junipers and cliffrose visible a few hundred feet up the slope.  Following steep game trails and winding my way around stands of Gamble Oak I came to a sizable cliffrose. Using an 8" x 10" pochade box, I painted the picture shown above. Down below me I could see the bustle of activity in town, and also see joggers, bicyclists and dog walkers on the popular bench trail, but there was no one else up where I was. Sometimes I'll travel for hours looking for new places to paint, but I certainly can't overlook the rich supply of subjects and wild places right here by town!


  1. You express the desert tones beautifully! What a playground you get to paint in! You portraits make me want to get my charcoals out!

  2. Thanks, Andrew. There's nothing I like more than getting out with paintbox or sketchbook. I've done portraits from life in pastels and in oils but charcoal gets me back to the basics - which is something I need to keep in touch with.
