Thursday, March 4, 2021

Throwback Thursday Portrait


18" x 24" Charcoal on Gray Paper

I don't often do "Throwback Thursday" posts, but here goes one. This sketch is probably from the 1990's. This was drawn back when Doyle Shaw had a studio at the old Peteetneet building in Payson. Doyle had an open session once a week where he would find people to sit for three hours (with breaks, of course!), and everyone attending the session would chip in five bucks to help pay the model.

I can't remember the model's name, but I really enjoyed drawing her. I believe her parents had come from India. A week or two later, her husband also sat for us in a session. I seem to remember his nickname was Taj. Unfortunately, I no longer have the drawing I made of him. He had been born in India, but, when he was a little child, was stolen and sold into the adoption market. He was adopted by an American couple who believed he was an orphan. Years later, as an adult, he traveled back to India to find his birth family. It would not do justice to his amazing story for me to try and wrest from my faded memory the details of the adventure he told us about, but if I find out more, I'll post it here. In the mean time, I hope you enjoy the drawing!

For more about portrait sessions, go to "Labels" on the side bar and click on "portrait", "sketching" or "drawing".

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