Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Pre-pandemic Portrait Sketches

12" x 9" Pastel on Sanded Paper
These two portrait sketches are from a few weeks before when just about everything - including live drawing sessions - was shut down on account of current worldwide viral and governmental circumstances. I'm certainly looking forward to when the disease is brought under control, vaccines and better treatments are developed, and I can start going to drawing sessions again. 

14" x 11" Charcoal on Grey Paper
In the mean time, there are other things to do. I miss the benefits of going to live drawing sessions every week, but it's probably not worth the risks right now, especially to anyone who could become seriously ill, or worse. Besides, drawing a model who's wearing a face mask might not be very helpful. Also, I doubt hand sanitizer would make a very good solvent or medium for any kind of painting!

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