Saturday, January 19, 2019

The Second Week of 2019

12" x 9" Charcoal on Grey Paper
Here's two more charcoal portraits drawn from life at the weekly portrait sessions. The first one was drawn at Casey Child's studio, and the second one at Howard Lyon's studio.

12" x 9" Charcoal on Grey Paper
January is not one of my favorite months. The cold, grey, dreary winter days that beset this time of year don't provide much encouragement for painting outdoors. Especially when low clouds, rain, snow, haze and fog severely limit what you can see outdoors, anyway. The leaden grayness of these days could provide opportunity to use the "Torrit Grey" oil paint I was given a few years ago, but I certainly haven't wanted to, yet. 

So I find the drab winter months an excellent time to practice drawing and painting people from life at the open portrait sessions. That's important to honing one's skills and staying sharp. It's also something I immensely enjoy doing.

For more about portrait sessions, go to "Labels" on the side bar and click on "portrait", "sketching" or "drawing".

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