Thursday, July 19, 2018

Today's Painting, and a New Plein Air Event!

9" x 12" Oil on Panel
Went back to the Spanish Fork River Trail, and out into the mid summer heat, for this painting. Colors used were cadmium yellow lemon, cadmium yellow, yellow ochre, cadmium red, thio violet, cobalt blue, ultramarine blue, and thalo green, plus titanium white.

I learned recently that the Utah County Art Board is putting on a plein air event. I understand this is the first time the UCAB has held a plein air event. I don't know how well attended it'll be, but it's high time someone held such an event, and it ought to be well attended! I think I'll give it a go!

Painting for the event begins this Saturday, with finished works being turned in the following Saturday morning. The show opens to the public the first Friday evening of August and runs through most of the month. The show will be at 151 South University Ave, Provo, Utah. For more information, visit their website at

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