Saturday, February 24, 2018

A Couple More Charcoal Sketches from February

12" x 9" Charcoal on Paper
I decided to stick to sketching with charcoal at the live portrait sessions this week. The first sketch is from last Wednesday's portrait session at Howard Lyon's studio. The second one is from a session at Casey Child's studio on Thursday.

12" x 9" Charcoal on Paper
No, that is not a drawing of Howard Lyon. It sort of looks like him, but it's not. Thursday evening's model could be Howard's doppelganger, though. The beard, bald head and classes are mighty close, but his height and general demeanor were a little different. He certainly was a fun person to draw!

For more about portrait sessions, go to "Labels" on the side bar and click on "portrait", "sketching" or "drawing".

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