Tuesday, May 16, 2017


Colored Pencil on Paper
Not just a throwback, but a throw way back. This goes back to the time when I drew with colored pencils. It goes back to when I would roam forest and fields with a Pentax 35mm SLR film camera photographing wildflowers and wild fauna. Then I would send the negatives somewhere to get developed and prints made, and have to wait to see how the pictures turned out. Sometimes I would sit in the grass and sketch using colored pencils. Back then sketching was faster than photography.

Late in the Summer monarch butterflies would migrate through the region of Pennsylvania where I lived, refueling in fields full of goldenrod and joe-pie weed. Butterflies don't sit for sketches very well, so for the drawing shown above I used various photos of monarch butterflies, goldenrod, etc., that I had taken with the old SLR on a few of my wild wanderings.

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