Friday, December 23, 2016

Woman in a White Fur Hat

10" x 8" Oil on Panel
Yesterday evening was the annual Christmas Party at Casey Child's studio, which was well attended. Last year we got to paint someone dressed as Santa Claus, whose outfit seemed to be mostly polyester beard. This year was better. Our model was a woman with long brown hair. She wore a wintry looking outfit of blue and white with gold accents, and bright silvery bling. 

The picture shown above is of the painting I made of the model yesterday evening. The oil colors I used were cadmium yellow, cadmium red, alizarin crimson permanent, ultramarine blue, ivory black, and titanium white. That's a couple colors more than I usually put out on my palette for a portrait study session, but I wanted to push the colors a little more and get some blue/violet tones in the painting.

I also want to wish everyone a...


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