Friday, September 2, 2016

Spring City 2016

18" x 24" Oil on Panel
For the last few days I've been painting in Spring City for the plein air competition there. The show opens TONIGHT (Sept. 2) at 7:00 PM and runs through tomorrow afternoon. I've completed three paintings and hope to have another one painted and ready by 4:00 today. The painting shown above is the second one I've painted this week. The first one is here:

11" x 14" Oil on Panel
The third painting I think I'll wait and show show in the next post.

There will be a lot of different painters exhibiting in the show. Sales are usually pretty lively, so if you want a plein air painting to add to your collection (or to start one), come early! If you just like to peruse and enjoy the artwork, come visit and say hi.The show is free. For more information check out Spring City Arts website:

Hope to see you there!

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