Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Charcoal on Watercolor Paper

Charcoal on Watercolor Paper
When I got to the portrait drawing session last Wednesday, I discovered that none of the different kinds of paper I like to use for charcoal or pastel drawing were in my sketch box. There was some watercolor paper, though, even though I don't really do watercolor and had no watercolors with me. So I did charcoal on watercolor paper. The picture above shows the result.

This evening's portrait session starts in just a couple hours or so. I think I'll go check my sketch box and restock it now.

For more about portrait sessions, go to "Labels" on the side bar and click on "portrait", "sketching" or "drawing."


  1. Looks good James. I actually do most of my charcoal drawing on watercolor paper, 140lb Arches hot pressed to be exact.

  2. Thanks, David. This paper is cold pressed, I think. It's got lots of texture.
