Friday, May 27, 2016

Presentation at UVAG

A few weeks ago Linda Paulsen of the Utah Valley Artist Guild asked if I would do a presentation for her group. Or maybe it was more than a few weeks. Anyway, yesterday evening I finally did a presentation for them.

Linda was kind enough to snap a few photos for me to put on my blog. She took the photos from the front row, so you'll have to take my word for it - the were, I think, thirty or so people there at the meeting.

Most of the presentation was about plein air painting. We talked about portraits a little also. I brought some examples of both to show. Part of the display also included a few pochade boxes and other pieces of equipment for them to see. I can't say that I'm an expert presenter, but the group asked a lot of good questions and we had some good discussions. The presentation touched on things like: Why to paint on location, equipment for painting outdoors, The challenges and rewards of painting "en plein aire." Also, a few resources such as workshops, blogs like James Gurney's or Stapleton Kearns, and online forums like Wetcanvas' plein air forum. There were also a few stories told of the kind outdoor painters have, and are scattered throughout this blog. 

Many thanks to the Utah Valley Artist Guild for inviting me, and for helping to set up and take down the display. For more information about UVAG, click anywhere in this post where the group's name is highlighted. 

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