Tuesday, November 17, 2015

The Studio Owner's Friend

11" x 15" Charcoal and "White Charcoal" on Grey Paper
Last Week I attended an event hosted by the Center for Academic Study and Naturalist Painting (CAS) in Springville. Painters were invited to a presentation of art supplies by the Trekell Company. There was lots of good food (of which I had way too much!) After the presentation was a free portrait session. The man who sat for us is one of the friends of the painter who runs CAS. I was certainly interested in the art supplies, and thoroughly enjoyed the food, but the portrait session was the main draw (no pun intended) for me. I love drawing people, specially from life. The picture above shows the drawing I made of the model that evening.

For more about drawing sessions, go to "Labels" on the side bar and click on "sketching" or "drawing."

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