Thursday, November 26, 2015

Latest from the Pleasant Grove Portrait Session

15" x 11" Charcoal on Gray Paper
This is a charcoal drawing made a week ago from life at Casey Childs studio. It was drawn with charcoal pencils and a little bit of "white charcoal" on gray paper. 

I saw a Thanksgiving-themed poll posted on line yesterday. It was asking readers what they were most thankful for. For choices it listed things like: Health, Family, Friends, Church, Freedom, etc. I had a hard time choosing, so I didn't. I'm very thankful for everything the poll listed. 

Since this blog is largely about drawing and painting, I could add those two things to my list of things to be thankful for. I'm thankful for continuing opportunities to attend drawing sessions to build drawing skills. Oh - and the outdoors. I'm so thankful for wild places where I can go hike and paint!

For more about drawing sessions, go to "Labels" on the side bar and click on "sketching" or "drawing."

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

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