Wednesday, March 11, 2015

A Couple Days in Redrock Country

9" x 12" Oil on Panel
Last weekend was another trip to Southern Utah for me. This time I went to the southwest corner of the state. I was lucky enough to find a camping spot at a state park campground, and spend a couple days hiking and painting.

9" x 12" Oil on Panel
The weather was great. Blue skies and 70° F. during the day. Lizards were out enjoying the sun, as were Gambel's quail, antelope squirrels, ravens, jays, and a red-tailed hawk. A little chilly at night, but not cold enough for a frost. I was even able to enjoy a short hike in the desert late at night under the light of a brilliant full moon. There was never any need to get the flashlight out of my pack on that hike.

9" x 12" Oil on Panel
There were three different pochade boxes, and a couple 11" x 14" panels packed in the car, but I ended up painting exclusively with a 9" x 12" pochade box. It just seemed to suit me for those two days. The paintings shown in this post were made on that trip.

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