Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Salon d' Automne 2014

Logan Fine Art's annual Salon d' Automne opens this Friday evening in Logan, Utah. I'm happy that one of my plein air landscapes (shown above) was accepted into the show. The show will be at the Logan Fine Art Gallery, 60 West, 100 North in Logan, Utah. Friday's opening will be the best time to meet many of the painters and sculptors who have works in the show, but there will be a lot of fine works by Utah artists on exhibit through the holidays. For more information you can visit Logan Fine Art's website at:

Or you can click on their banner which I've put at the top of this post. Hope you can come enjoy the show!


  1. Good luck with the show James. I won't be in the area this week, but might be up there the next Friday, if I am I'll stop in and take a look.
