Saturday, May 17, 2014

Prime Plein Air Season

9" x 12" Oil on Panel
It's the beginning of prime painting season for some of my favorite subjects - trees! Both of the paintings in today's blog post are from the west side of town. The painting shown above was painted last Tuesday. The next day the painting shown below was made.

9" x 12" Oil on Panel
They're also both out of my new 9" x 12" pochade box. I'm enjoying that new box a lot.


  1. What a coincidence James, I was out driving around in that area today, in fact I think I drove down that road in the first painting. If you were painting that scene today I might have seen you! It definitely is nice to have some foliage back on the trees! Great paintings.

  2. Hi David! Thanks! I'm planning on sooner or later coming up into your valley to do some painting. I'm not sure when yet.
