Wednesday, April 2, 2014

The Day Before Equinox

7" x 5" Oil on Panel
The last full day of winter I went out looking for something wild and green to paint. After climbing a few hundred feet up a mountainside I came across this cliffrose. Not terribly green, but it's wonderful gesture snagged my attention. It looks like a dancing tree that was frozen in mid-twirl.

My Setup for the Day
The hike up to that spot was a little steep, but the little 5" x 7" pochade box can go anywhere. Just a hundred yards or so up the slope from me a single mule deer browsed on thin mountain grasses as I painted.

The View Across the Valley from the Day's Painting Spot.
It was a great day to be out painting! 

I've recently finished a couple more projects - new pieces of plein air painting equipment - that I'll be posting about in a few days, so stay tuned!


  1. Very nice. Been following your blog for a while, James, and figured it was about time I left you a comment.
    I look forward to your upcoming post on new equipment.
    Thanks for keeping at it.

  2. Todd, thanks for your comment and for following this blog! Glad you like it. I plan on putting up the promised post in a week or two. Not sure exactly when, though.
