Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Little Pioneer Girl

12" x 9" Pastel on Colorfix Paper
Utah reveres it's pioneers. Seems like most here have an ancestor or two who rode across the plains in a covered wagon - or walked, pulling a handcart. Mine didn't. My ancestors stayed in Pennsylvania. Instead, I traveled west on a Greyhound Bus.

Still, I benefit from the pioneer attitude and culture here. That attitude and culture continues to be vibrant and becomes even more diverse as time moves on. Now, new kinds of pioneers set out to explore new and different kinds of frontiers with optimism, enthusiasm, and faith. These kinds of pioneers are found not only among descendants of the early white settlers, but also among people of all races and nationalities who have come to this place, and among those whose ancestors were originally here.

The pastel sketch shown above was made a couple years or so ago at the weekly drawing session. The girl in this sketch is the same young woman who modeled for us recently, and was the subject of another post in this blog.

For more about drawing sessions, go to "Labels" on the side bar and click on "sketching" or "drawing."

Happy Thanksgiving!

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