Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Autumn Road

16" x 20" Oil on Canvas Panel
Switching from the little 5" x 7" pochade box used in the last post, I got out the easel and made this 16" x 20" plein air painting with the big paintbox. It was painted just a few days ago on a beautiful Autumn day in Heber Valley. A slight October nip was in the air and sunlight slanted out of a blue sky. That combination of air, sun, and the variety of autumn colors makes this one of my favorite seasons. Occasionally a local rancher or people just out enjoying the Fall colors would stop for a brief visit as I painted. 

The only out-of-the-ordinary concern was when a big black bull came into view around the bend in the road shown in the painting. The burly beast had gotten through a fence and kept wandering back and forth, in and out of view, along the dirt road. I was painting beside my car, which would have been my means of escape if necessary but the bull never came too close, so I kept painting.

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