Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Another Profile - Indian Girl

14" x 11" Charcoal and White Pencils on Tan Paper
Last Thursday at the weekly drawing session we had two models. The girl pictured above was with her father, both of then decked out in their impressive Powwow regalia. I chose to draw only one of them because experience has shown me that when I try to draw two people in the time I usually take to draw one, I end up with two half-drawn people. I have drawn her father before, and look forward to working with both of these models again!

For this drawing, I got out the Strathmore "Toned Tan" sketchbook again. Most of my effort went into drawing her head, especially her face. Because of limited time, the colorful jingle dress was only slightly suggested, and kind of looks like a plain buckskin dress in this drawing.

For more about drawing sessions, go to "Labels" on the side bar and click on "sketching" or "drawing."

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