Sunday, February 3, 2013

Young Navajo Woman

18" x 12"  Charcoal on Gray Paper
This is another of the portrait sketches I did a few years ago at the weekly drawing session. The model is a Navajo woman from the Four Corners area of Utah. Another of my favorite models to draw, her eyes are among some of the most fascinating I've ever drawn, set as they are in a face that is one of the most enjoyable I've ever drawn. Those people who run the drawing sessions sure come up with some great models from time to time, and I'm grateful they do.

For more about drawing sessions, go to "Labels" on the side bar and click on "sketching" or "drawing."

This is also my 100th blog post. I think I'll celebrate by unceremoniously pressing the "Publish" button. Many thanks to everyone who has followed and read this humble blog! I hope you'll continue to find things to enjoy - and things that are useful here.

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