Friday, August 31, 2012

Spring City 2012

Fence Line Rabbit Brush, 9" x 12" Oil on Canvas Panel
This week is Spring City's plein air competition. All of the paintings contestants have done in the last few days have been turned in and the show is hung. The weather was challenging and the painters had to dodge thunderstorms, but it was a good time to be painting outdoors and I'm happy with the three pieces I did for the show. 

This is one of the biggest plein air shows in the state, and one of my favorites. Tonight was the opening reception, and the main exhibition, awards and sale will be tomorrow, Saturday, September 1st. The hours are from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM. There's a wide variety and a lot of very good paintings on display, as usual. For more information about the show go to: . Hope to see you there!

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