Saturday, July 7, 2012

Shade Along a Wasatch Trail

Shaded Trail, 8" x 10" Oil on Panel
This painting shows a section of a popular walking trail by town. The trail begins in the mouth of a canyon and leads out onto the bench, roughly following the old shoreline of prehistoric Lake Bonneville. The view in the painting is to the west through shady Gambles Oak. The trail disappears around the steep slope near the top of the painting. The trail then continues northward along the bench above town, affording views of town and the lake and mountains beyond.

I've walked this trail many times, in all seasons. This time of year I might see a squirrel scamper across the path, or a lizard scurry away as I walk by. Up on the mountainside, and sometimes below the path there might be mule deer, or even bighorn sheep browsing on the lush summer greenery.

On this particular day I brought my favorite 8 x 10 pochade box along for a walk and did this painting.

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