Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The End is Near!

Photo Courtesy of Ron Escudero.
The end of my show at the Window Box Gallery, that is. There's just a couple days left to see it. You can read an earlier post about this show here.

There's some red dots (denoting sold works) but there's still plenty for art collectors to choose from. These are oil paintings painted alla prima en plein air. (I love using French words!) They're paintings of local landscapes, some painted in beautiful places just outside of town. I hope these paintings will encourage people to enjoy and take care of the wonderful natural places we have here locally.

Although the show ends Thursday, May 3rd, I hope to continue to work with the Window Box Gallery and encourage you to visit their gallery from time to time to enjoy the artwork. The gallery is located at 62 West Center Street in Provo, Utah. Au revoir!

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