Saturday, September 17, 2011

Fremont Indian State Park Show

Photo Courtesy of Candee Osborne
The photo above shows me with an exhibit of my plein air oil landscapes in the Sagebrush Gallery at Fremont Indian State Park. The show runs from September 17, 2011 through January 2, 2012. Twenty six of my paintings are on exhibit there. This is the largest exhibit of my paintings yet, with a wide variety of landscapes represented and seasons depicted. Sizes of paintings range from 6" x 8" to 18" x 24".

There are a few works by other artists exhibited there also, including the potter who made those wonderful pots in the display case my grubby little fingers are on. Names of other exhibiting artists are, Joe Venus, Sharon Linde, Dennis Zupan, Finn Murdoch, Vanessa Allen, Vandy Moore and Randy Esplin. 

If you get a chance to visit, check out the FISP website for more information. Besides the Gallery, there is a visitors center, campground, miles of scenic trails to hike and a huge amount of ancient Indian rock art scattered throughout the park. The Sagebrush Gallery is free admission. The rest of the park has a small entry fee. Come and enjoy a visit!

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